Tuesday, April 24, 2007

3rd Phone Conversation

During my conversation with Matt, we decided he would be the boss and I would be the part-time employee seeking a better salary.

Emp: "As a reliable, punctual and bilingual customer service representative, I feel that my salary should be more than the other employees."

Boss"All the other employees are reliable and punctual too."

Emp: "I agree, but I speak Spanish and they don't."

Boss: "Being bilingual is valuable for our company. We are getting more Spanish speaking customers."

Matt reviewed my salary, and agreed to pay me an additional dollar per hour as long as I accept to work full time, and supervise two other customer service representatives.

I accepted the offer, and asked for more vacation days since I am going to supervise two other employees. He did not approve it, but he did added five extra sick days. I also told him I would have to leave early two days out of the week since I am taking classes at NU. He said it was not a problem as long as I have someone cover my shift.

Matt was attentive as I explained my problem. Based on our phone conversation, he sounded like he is in his early-to-mid twenties. He appears to be fun and easygoing. There were no interruptions on either sides of the conversation.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you and Matt had a good phone conversation. I liked the whole negotiation piece where you went back and forth. I work for the state and there are so many guidelines to hiring, pay raises, etc. that it's nearly impossible to offer an employee some incentives.

I resent you the court case. Let me know if you don't get it.

Elva said...

Hi Christine,
Matt and I had a good phone conversation. I work for the school district and I know what you mean about having to follow all the guidelines regarding the hiring process, salary, vacations. Everything is written in stone.

After talking to Matt, I wanted to work for his company.